The more you save, the higher the interest rate you will enjoy. Start building your savings and stay ahead.
With no lock-in period or fall below fees, you can enjoy full liquidity on your savings.
Deposit Balance Amount |
Interest Rates (p.a.) |
Interest per annum (S$) |
First $50,000 |
1.50% |
($50,000 x 1.50% p.a) $750 |
Next $25,000 |
1.60% |
($25,000 x 1.60% p.a) $400 |
Next $25,000 |
1.80% |
($25,000 x 1.80% p.a) $450 |
Above $100,000 |
2.00% |
*Interest rates are subject to change without notice.
Fee |
$0 |
Account Closure Fee |
S$30 only if account is closed within 6 months of opening |
Minimum Balance Fee |
S$0 |
Terms & Conditions
How to apply
Apply online by downloading the RHB Mobile SG App:
You can also reach out to our team. We are available to help with your application and answer any questions.
Simply complete the form, and we will be in touch with you.
RHB Account Number Format for FAST/ GIRO Transactions
The RHB Bank current/savings account number has a total of 11 digits (e.g. 19812345678 or 78000123456).
Please ensure that you are using this account number format for FAST/ GIRO transactions. You will also need to exclude any leading zeros, if any, when providing the RHB current/ savings account number (e.g. for an account number shown as "000019812345678", you will only need to provide "19812345678" as the account number).
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.
Before committing to a financial product, you are encouraged to read the ‘Understanding Financial Products’ by The Association of Banks in Singapore and MoneySENSE guide. Learn more
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