Receive steady income streams from our curated list of bonds

Highlights & Benefits

Receive regular income streams and reach your financial goals with professionally curated bond products.


Receive regular income stream


Fixed income investment products offer you regular interest payments during the course of its duration, giving you predictability to your financial planning.


Select from a wide basket of financial products


Select from a range of bonds and other fixed income instruments to meet your financial objective and investment profile.



Diversify your portfolio


Fixed income instruments allow you to balance any potentially equity exposure within your portfolio.


Invest confidently in bonds curated by leading professionals


RHB’s list of investment grade bonds are backed by rigorous research and market analysis enabling you to invest confidently.


Receive regular income stream


Fixed income investment products offer you regular interest payments during the course of its duration, giving you predictability to your financial planning.

Ready to invest in Fixed Income investments?


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Effortless banking
made for you.

Designed with innovative features, the new RHB Mobile SG App offers unparalleled convenience with seamless functions.

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